Saturday, December 23, 2006

Creative people - HELP!!!

Despite the fact that I am trying (and pretty well succeeding, with some work to do yet) to spend less time on the computer since we've come home with Allison, I want to start a book blog as of the first of the year (which is only a little over a week away!). I'm not going to spend a lot of time on it, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read and I've seen so many great blogs about reading out there, I'd like one of my own.

Anyway, I want a cool name for it, and I'm not that great at coming up with things like that. The name of this blog proves that. LOL If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them. I was thinking of calling it something in Latin since I'm learning Latin with Ben (and I LOVE it!) and it feels very studious. LOL Otherwise something having to do with coffee and reading, LOVE coffee too. Drinking a cup of coffee curled up with a good book is a little slice of heaven you know. Or neither of those things, just something totally cool. :-) Thanks!


Beckyb said...

Oh that sounds so great - I LOVE book blogs. I started one too just as a way to keep track of what I was reading - Keep us posted - I want to come visit!!!

Unknown said...

Well, I love the idea of coffee. I'm sure that comes as a big surprise to you. :o) I'll let you know if I think of anything.

Beckyb said...

I'm not very creative but thought of a few - Mocha Musings, A Breve and a Book, Brewing with Words....ok, I tried - if I think of more I'll let you know!! Can't wait to see it though! I need more book reading ideas!