Monday, February 12, 2007

More Crib Fun

I think Lindsey has officially given up naps. But after Allison wakes up from hers in the afternoon, Lindsey will climb in the crib with her and they'll play. Lindsey had Allison laughing so hard the other day.


Beckyb said...

Yes - that is what sisters are for!! So cute!! I bet you just love hearing those giggles!

Unknown said...

I'm thinking mom had even more fun taking those pictures then the girls did playing. :o)

C's Mom said...

How cute are those two!?!

Kim said...

They could not possibly be any cuter!!!

Jeff and Valerie said...

Now how on earth did you stop yourself from climbing in there too (-:

kitchu said...

Oh my gosh- they are sooo cute!!